Planimetric plans

Detailed measurement plans represent a significant improvement over conventional plans, as they not only include the boundaries and surface of the land, but also integrate unique elements of both the work (such as buildings, roads, swimming pools, among others) and the territory (such as coastal boundaries, water courses, wooded or cultivated areas, among others).

These plans provide a detailed and complete view of the property, allowing the precise identification of the location and distribution of the different elements within it. Unlike conventional plans, these detailed plans do not include altimetric information, focusing solely on the planimetric representation of the property.

However, despite not reflecting the altimetry, detailed plans are very useful for accurately positioning the unique elements within the property, thus facilitating the planning and execution of projects that require a detailed analysis of the land and its surroundings.

Some of our latest works

📍 Carrer Bisbe de Palma (Casco Antiguo)
📐 Realizando el estado actual de esta vivienda ubicada en una de las calles más emblemáticas del casco antiguo de Palma.

💡 ¿Sabías que...?
El Casco Antiguo de Palma conserva trazados y edificios que datan de la época medieval, con calles estrechas diseñadas para proteger del sol y mantener la frescura incluso en verano. Estas características hacen que el levantamiento de datos en zonas urbanas históricas sea todo un desafío técnico.

☎️971 723 356


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Realización de Planimétrico en Soller

☎️971 723 356

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